July 11, 2023
(press release)
Verra has released an updated version (v1.1) of VM0044 Methodology for Biochar Utilization in Soil and Non-Soil Applications and invites comments on this version as well as suggestions for further clarifications and additions to a future version (v2.0). Stakeholders can submit feedback on the changes or any other aspect of the methodology until August 9, 2023. To share feedback, please fill out the Public Consultation Comment Template (.xlsx) and email it to methodologies@verra.org. VM0044 Methodology for Biochar Utilization in Soil and Non-Soil Applications, v1.1 includes several minor corrections as well as clarifications of methodological procedures, pertaining to the following topics: Any feedback received will be considered for inclusion in VM0044 Methodology for Biochar Utilization in Soil and Non-Soil Applications, v2.0. Verra expects to begin the revision process later this year with the anticipated publication of v2.0 in 2024. All new projects and projects listed on the VCS Registry must apply VM0044 Methodology for Biochar Utilization in Soil and Non-Soil Applications, v1.1 to complete validation to ensure the errata and clarifications are reflected in the project description.
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