Please read all of the following terms and conditions of service for this web site ("tos") before using this site.

By continuing to access, link to, or use this site, or any service on this site, you signify YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE TOS. Industry Intelligence Inc. reserves the right to amend, remove, or add to the TOS at any time. Such modifications shall be effective immediately. Accordingly, please continue to review the TOS whenever accessing, linking to, or using this site. Your access, link to, or use of the site, or any service on this site, after the posting of modifications to the TOS will constitute YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE TOS, as modified. If, at any time, you do not wish to accept the TOS, you may not access, link to, or use the site. Any terms and conditions proposed by you which are in addition to or which conflict with the TOS are expressly rejected by Industry Intelligence and shall be of no force or effect.

General Terms

  1. User Consent to the TOS.
    • You represent that you have read and agree to be bound by the TOS.
  2. Intellectual Property.
    • This Web site, including but not limited to text, content, photographs, video, audio and graphics, and goods (the "Service"), is protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks, international treaties, and/or other proprietary rights and laws of the U.S. and other countries. The Service is also protected as a collective work or compilation under U.S. copyright and other laws and treaties. All individual articles, columns and other elements making up the Service are also copyrighted works. You agree to abide by all applicable copyright and other laws, as well as any additional copyright notices or restrictions contained in the Service. You acknowledge that the Service has been developed, compiled, prepared, revised, selected, and arranged by Industry Intelligence Inc., its general and limited partners, and its subsidiaries, and their respective general partners and affiliates (collectively "Industry Intelligence") and others (including certain other information sources) through the application of methods and standards of judgment developed and applied through the expenditure of substantial time, effort, and money and constitutes valuable intellectual property of Industry Intelligence and such others. You agree to protect the proprietary rights of Industry Intelligence and all others having rights in the Service during and after the term of this agreement and to comply with all reasonable written requests made by Industry Intelligence or its suppliers and licensors of content, equipment, or otherwise ("Suppliers") to protect their and others' contractual, statutory, and common law rights in the Service. You agree to notify Industry Intelligence in writing promptly upon becoming aware of any unauthorized access or use of the Service by any individual or entity or of any claim that the Service infringes upon any copyright, trademark, or other contractual, statutory, or common law rights. All present and future rights in and to trade secrets, patents, copyrights, trademarks, service marks, know-how, and other proprietary rights of any type under the laws of any governmental authority, domestic or foreign, including rights in and to all applications and registrations relating to the Service (the "Intellectual Property Rights") shall, as between you and Industry Intelligence, at all times be and remain the sole and exclusive property of Industry Intelligence. All present and future rights in and title to the Service (including the right to exploit the Service and any portions of the Service over any present or future technology) are reserved to Industry Intelligence for its exclusive use. Except as specifically permitted by the TOS, you may not copy or make any use of the Service or any portion thereof. Except as specifically permitted herein, you shall not use the Intellectual Property Rights or the Service, or the names of any individual participant in, or contributor to, the Service, or any variations or derivatives thereof, for any purpose, without Industry Intelligence's prior written approval.
  3. Restrictions on Use.
    • You may not use the service for any illegal purpose or in any manner inconsistent with the tos. you agree to use the service solely for your own noncommercial use and benefit, and not for resale or other transfer or disposition to, or use by or for the benefit of, any other person or entity. you agree not to use, transfer, distribute, or dispose of any information contained in the service in any manner that could compete with the business of industry intelligence or any of its suppliers. you may not copy, reproduce, recompile, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, distribute, publish, display, perform, modify, upload to, create derivative works from, transmit, or in any way exploit any part of the service, except that you may download material from the service and/or make one print copy for your own personal, noncommercial use, provided that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices. you may not recirculate, redistribute or publish the analysis and presentation included in the service without industry intelligenceā€š as prior written consent. modification of the service's content would be a violation of the copyrights and other proprietary rights of industry intelligence and/or forestweb or its subsidiaries. additionally, you may not offer any part of the service for sale or distribute it over any other medium including but not limited to over-the-air television or radio broadcast, a computer network or hyperlink framing on the internet without the prior written consent of industry intelligence. the service and the information contained therein may not be used to construct a database of any kind. nor may the service be stored (in its entirety or in any part) in databases for access by you or any third party or to distribute any database services containing all or part of the service. you may not use the service in any way to improve the quality of any data sold or contributed by you to any third party. furthermore, you may not use any of the trademarks, trade names, service marks, copyrights, or logos of industry intelligence and/or forestweb or its subsidiaries in any manner which creates the impression that such items belong to or are associated with you or, except as otherwise provided herein, are used with industry intelligence's consent, and you acknowledge that you have no ownership rights in and to any of such items. you will not use the service or the information contained therein in unsolicited mailings or spam material. you will not use any trademarks, trade names, service marks, copyrights, or logos of industry intelligence and/or forestweb or its subsidiaries in unsolicited mailings or spam material. you will not spam or send unsolicited mailings to any person or entity using the service. you may use the "e-mail this article" function solely to inform others about an industry intelligence news article on, and you shall immediately cease using this function with regard to recipients who have requested not to receive such information. when using the "e-mail this article" function, you shall: (i) not upload or send any message that is unlawful, libelous, slanderous, offensive, obscene, hateful, pornographic, violent, insulting, threatening, abusive, misleading, deceptive, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable; (ii) not upload or send any commercial, promotional, or solicitation information; and (iii) remain friendly and civil and treat all e-mail recipients with respect and sincerity. you agree to comply with any other applicable terms and conditions of service set forth on the service.
  4. License
    • You acquire absolutely no rights or licenses in or to the Service and materials contained within the Service other than the limited right to utilize the Service in accordance with the TOS. Should you choose to download content from the Service, you must do so in accordance with the TOS. Such download is licensed to you by Industry Intelligence ONLY for your own personal, noncommercial use in accordance with the TOS and does not transfer any other rights to you.
    • If you submit material to this site or to Industry Intelligence or its representative, unless Industry Intelligence indicates otherwise, you grant Industry Intelligence a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sub-licensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, copy, and display such content throughout the world in any form, media, or technology now known or hereafter developed. You also permit any other user to access, store, or reproduce such material for that user's personal use. You grant Industry Intelligence the right to use the name that you submit in connection with such content. You represent and warrant that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to the material that you submit; that the material you submit is truthful and accurate; that use of the material you supply does not violate this TOS and will not cause injury to any person or entity; and that you will indemnify Industry Intelligence and its Suppliers, agents, directors, officers, employees, representatives, successors, and assigns for all claims resulting from material you supply. Industry Intelligence and its Suppliers, agents, directors, officers, employees, representatives, successors, and assigns disclaim any responsibility and assume no liability for any material submitted by you or any third party.
  5. Fees and Payments.
    • Industry Intelligence reserves the right at any time to charge fees for access to portions of the Service or the Service as a whole. If at any time Industry Intelligence requires a fee for portions of the Service or the Service as a whole, Industry Intelligence will require you to register and create an account. You shall pay all fees and charges incurred through your account at the rates in effect for the billing period in which such fees and charges are incurred, including but not limited to charges for any products or services offered for sale through the Service by Industry Intelligence or by any other vendor or service provider. All fees and charges shall be billed to you, and you shall be solely responsible for their payment. You shall pay all applicable taxes relating to the use of the Service through your account, and the purchase of any other products or services. Certain portions of the Service or the Service as a whole may require a prepaid fee ("Prepaid Fee"), which may be modified from time to time in Industry Intelligence's sole discretion. The Prepaid Fee, and all taxes and other fees related thereto will be paid by you in advance. In no event will you receive any portions of the Service or the Service as a whole if a Prepaid Fee is required unless Industry Intelligence receives all fees and charges payable by you, including the Prepaid Fee.
  6. Registration and Account Creation.
    • As part of the registration and account creation process necessary to obtain access to certain portions of the Service, including those portions that require a fee or payment for access, you will select a username and a password. You will provide Industry Intelligence with certain registration information, all of which must be accurate, truthful, and updated.

      You shall not:

      1. Select a username already used by another person
      2. Use a username in which another person has rights without such person's authorization
      3. Use a username or password that Industry Intelligence, in its sole discretion, deems offensive or inappropriate. Industry Intelligence reserves the right to deny creation of your account based on Industry Intelligence's inability to verify the authenticity of your registration information. You shall be solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password. You shall immediately notify Industry Intelligence by submitting to CONTACT any known or suspected unauthorized use(s) of your account, or any known or suspected breach of security, including loss, theft, or unauthorized disclosure of your password or credit card information. You are fully responsible for all usage and activity on your account, including, but not limited to, use of the account by any third party authorized by you to use your username and password. The use of your account by any individual under age eighteen (18) is strictly prohibited. If the computer system on which you accessed the Service is sold or transferred to another party, you warrant and represent that you will delete all cookies and software files obtained by or through use of the Service. Industry Intelligence reserves the right to terminate your account, in its sole discretion, at any time without notice. You may terminate your account at any time by contacting Industry Intelligence. Upon termination, you will receive an automated confirmation via e-mail that the request was received, and your account will be terminated within five (5) business days. You are responsible for all charges incurred up to the time the account is terminated. Not withstanding anything else herein, Industry Intelligence reserves the right to pursue any and all claims against any user of your account. You agree to maintain only one account with the Service at any time and certify that you currently have no other account(s) with the
  7. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability.
    • You agree that your use of the service is at your sole risk and acknowledge that the service and anything contained within the service, including, but not limited to, content, services, goods, or advertisements are provided "as is" and "as available," and that industry intelligence makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, as to the service, including, but not limited to, merchantability, non-infringement, title, or fitness for a particular purpose or use.
    • Industry Intelligence does not warrant that the Service is compatible with your equipment or that the Service, or e-mail sent by Industry Intelligence or its representative, is free of errors or viruses, worms or "Trojan horses," or any other harmful, invasive, or corrupted files, and is not liable for any damage you may suffer as a result of such destructive features. You agree that Industry Intelligence and its Suppliers, agents, directors, officers, employees, representatives, successors, and assigns shall have no responsibility or liability for:
      1. Any injury or damages, whether caused by the negligence of Industry Intelligence, its parent, or their respective affiliates, Suppliers, agents, directors, officers, employees, representatives, general partner, subsidiaries, successors, and assigns, or otherwise arising in connection with the Service and shall not be liable for any lost profits, losses, punitive, incidental or consequential damages, or any claim against Industry Intelligence by any other party
      2. Or any fault, inaccuracy, omission, delay, or any other failure in the Service caused by your computer equipment or arising from your use of the Service on such equipment. The content of other Web sites, services, goods, or advertisements that may be linked to the Service is not maintained or controlled by Industry Intelligence. Industry Intelligence is therefore not responsible for the availability, content, or accuracy of other Web sites, services, or goods that may be linked to, or advertised on, the Service.

        Industry Intelligence does not:

        1. Make any warranty, express or implied, with respect to the use of the links provided on, or to, the Service
        2. Guarantee the accuracy, completeness, usefulness or adequacy of any other Web sites, services, goods, or advertisements that may be linked to the Service
        3. Make any endorsement, express or implied, of any other Web sites, services, goods, or advertisements that may be linked to the Service. Industry Intelligence is also not responsible for the reliability or continued availability of the telephone lines, wireless services, communications media, and equipment you use to access the Service. You understand that Industry Intelligence and/or third-party contributors to the Service may choose at any time to inhibit or prohibit their content from being accessed under the TOS
    • You acknowledge that:
      1. The Service is provided for information purposes only and is not intended for trading purposes
      2. The Service may include certain information taken from stock exchanges and other sources from around the world
      3. Industry Intelligence does not guarantee the sequence, accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the Service
      4. The provision of certain parts of the Service is subject to the terms and conditions of other agreements to which Industry Intelligence is a party
      5. None of the information contained on this site constitutes a solicitation, offer, opinion, or recommendation by Industry Intelligence to buy or sell any security, or to provide legal, tax, accounting, or investment advice or services regarding the profitability or suitability of any security or investment
      6. The information provided on this site is not intended for use by, or distribution to, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such use or distribution would be contrary to law or regulation. Accordingly, anything to the contrary herein set forth notwithstanding, Industry Intelligence, its Suppliers, agents, directors, officers, employees, representatives, successors, and assigns shall not, directly or indirectly, be liable, in any way, to you or any other person for any:
        1. Inaccuracies or errors in or omissions from the Service including, but not limited to, quotes and financial data
        2. Delays, errors, or interruptions in the transmission or delivery of the Service
        3. Or loss or damage arising therefrom or occasioned thereby, or by any reason of nonperformance.
    • Under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence, shall industry intelligence, its suppliers, agents, directors, officers, employees, representatives, successors, or assigns be liable to you for direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive, or exemplary damages even if industry intelligence has been advised specifically of the possibility of such damages, arising from use of or inability to use the service or any links or items on the service or any provision of the tos, such as, but not limited to, loss of revenue or anticipated profits or lost business. applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages. in no event shall industry intelligence's total liability to you for all damages, losses and causes of action (whether in contract or tort, including but not limited to, negligence) exceed the amount paid by you, if any, for accessing this site.
  8. Your Authority to Agree to this TOS.
    • You represent, warrant and covenant that:
      1. You have the power and authority to enter into this agreement
      2. You are at least eighteen (18) years old
  9. Indemnification
    • You agree, at your own expense, to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Industry Intelligence, its Suppliers, agents, directors, officers, employees, representatives, successors, and assigns from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' and experts' fees, arising out of or in connection with the Service, or any links on the Service, including, but not limited to:
      1. Your use or someone using your computer's use of the Service
      2. Use by someone using your account
      3. A violation of the TOS by you or anyone using your computer (or account, where applicable)
      4. A claim that any use of the Service by you or someone using your computer (or account, where applicable) infringes any intellectual property right of any third party, or any right of privacy or publicity, is libelous or defamatory, or otherwise results in injury or damage to any third party
      5. Any deletions, additions, insertions or alterations to, or any unauthorized use of, the Service by you or someone using your computer (or account, where applicable)
      6. Any misrepresentation or breach of representation or warranty made by you contained herein
      7. Or any breach of any covenant or agreement to be performed by you hereunder. You agree to pay any and all costs, damages, and expenses, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs awarded against or otherwise incurred by or in connection with or arising from any such claim, suit, action, or proceeding attributable to any such claim. Industry Intelligence reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, in which event you will fully cooperate with Industry Intelligence in asserting any available defense. You acknowledge and agree to pay Industry Intelligence's reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in connection with any and all lawsuits brought against you by Industry Intelligence under the TOS and any other terms and conditions of service on this site, including without limitation, lawsuits arising from your failure to indemnify Industry Intelligence pursuant to the TOS.
  10. Termination
    • You may terminate the TOS, with or without cause and at any time, by discontinuing your use of the Service and destroying all materials obtained from the Service.
    • You agree that, without notice, Industry Intelligence may terminate the TOS, or suspend your access to the Service, with or without cause at any time and effective immediately. The TOS will terminate immediately without notice from Industry Intelligence if you, in Industry Intelligence's sole discretion, fail to comply with any provision of the TOS.
    • Industry Intelligence shall not be liable to you or any third party for the termination or suspension of the Service, or any claims related to the termination or suspension of the Service. Upon termination of the TOS by you or Industry Intelligence, you must discontinue your use of the Service and destroy promptly all materials obtained from the Service and any copies thereof.
  11. Governing Law
    • The TOS shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States and the State of California, without giving effect to conflicts-of-law principles thereof. You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in Los Angeles County in the State of Caifornia with respect to any legal proceedings that may arise in connection with the Service or from a dispute as to the interpretation or breach of the TOS.
  12. United States Export Control & Foreign Assets Control Regulations
    • Industry Intelligence does not represent that materials in the Service are appropriate or available for use in any particular location. Those who choose to access the Service do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. Software from the Service is subject to U.S. export controls and may not be downloaded, exported or re-exported: (i) into (or to a national or resident of) Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, or any other country with respect to which the United States maintains trade sanctions prohibiting the shipment of goods; or (ii) to anyone on or acting on behalf of an entity on the U.S. Treasury Department's list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons or the U.S. Commerce Department's Denied Persons List or Entities List or included in General Order 3 (15 C.F.R. Part 736, Supplement 1), which prohibits exports to Mayrow General Trading, affiliated entities and persons, and specified persons involved in the manufacture or sale of Improvised Explosive Devices (together referred to as "U.S. Prohibited Party Lists"). By downloading or using such software, you represent and warrant that you are not (a) located in or a national or resident of any country noted above that is subject to U.S. trade sanctions, or (b) on any U.S. Prohibited Party List or acting on behalf of any person or entity on any such list.
  13. Miscellaneous
    • You accept that Industry Intelligence has the right to change the content or technical specifications of any aspect of the Service at any time in Industry Intelligence's sole discretion. You further accept that such changes may result in your being unable to access the Service. The failure of Industry Intelligence to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the TOS shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Sections 2 through 9, 10(c), and 11 through 17 shall survive any termination of the TOS.
  14. Headings
    • The section titles in the TOS are used solely for the convenience of you and Industry Intelligence and have no legal or contractual significance.
  15. Severability
    • If any provision of the TOS is found invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the other provisions of the TOS will remain in force.
  16. Entire Agreement
    • The TOS and any other terms and conditions of service on this site, and its successor, constitute the entire agreement between you and Industry Intelligence and govern your use of the Service.
  17. Industry Intelligence Certification
    • Industry Intelligence Certification is not an accredited program or institution, and is provided by Industry Intelligence for informational purposes only. You understand, acknowledge, and agree that Industry Intelligence Certification in no way shall be considered as conforming with any educational standards or qualifications prescribed by any private or governmental entity.

Linking and framing terms and conditions

You may not link to or frame this web site, or any portion thereof, except as provided herein.

  1. Intellectual Property
    • Upon linking to this Web site pursuant to the TOS, you will be granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free sub-license to use the Industry Intelligence mark owned by Industry Intelligence solely for providing an underlined, textual link from your Web site to No other use of Industry Intelligence's marks, names or logos is permitted without express written permission from Industry Intelligence.
  2. Restrictions on Linking to this Web Site
    • Without limiting other provisions contained in our TOS, you may include a link(s) on your Web site to's publicly accessible Web pages (i.e., any Web page which does not require a login and password and/or restrict access). You may not link to any site containing an inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent or unlawful topic, name, material or information that violates any applicable intellectual property, proprietary, privacy or publicity rights.
  3. Restrictions on Framing Activities
    • Industry Intelligence is concerned about the integrity of this Web site when it is accessed in a manner solely determined by third parties or viewed in a setting solely created by third parties. Specifically, Industry Intelligence is concerned with activities such as bringing up or presenting content of this Web site within another Web site ("framing"). In this regard, without limiting the provisions contained in our TOS, you may not frame any Web page from, except with our express written permission. Further, you may not archive, cache, or mirror any Web page or portions of a Web page. If you would like to use, reprint, frame, or redistribute any content other than as permitted herein, you must request permission from Industry Intelligence by writing to CONTACT. Please include: (a) your name, e-mail address, and telephone number; (b) the name of your company; (c) the Web site address(es) where the proposed use will occur; and (d) specific details about the contemplated linking or framing activities, including the content or Web page(s) of this Web site which you would like to use.
  4. Registration Form
    • By filling out the following required information, you agree that you have read the above Linking Terms and agree to be bound by them:
    • Note: All fields required.
      • First Name:
      • Last Name:
      • Company Name:
      • E-mail:
      • Phone Number:
      • URL To Link From:

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      1990 S Bundy Dr. Suite #380,

      Los Angeles, CA 90025-795

      Telephone: (310) 553-0008

      Fax: (310) 553-0080


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