September 22, 2022
(press release)
The National Alliance of Forest Owners released the following statement on the introduction of the Promoting Effective Forest Management Act: We applaud Senators Manchin and Barrasso for their efforts to improve the climate, support forest health and resilience, and address critical forestry workforce needs. We need bipartisan solutions to reduce wildfire risk, better track carbon sequestration and storage, and ensuring America has the workforce needed to optimize forest climate benefits. Guided by quality data and world class forest practices, private working forests provide unparalleled carbon sequestration and storage while supporting 2.5 million good paying jobs, mostly in rural areas. We support fully tapping the enormous climate benefits of all forests across the country. Forest owners need access to healthy markets for forest products and high-quality data to continue providing natural climate solutions that clean our air and water, provide wildlife habitat, and support good paying jobs in rural communities. We look forward to working with Senators Barrasso and Manchin so and their Senate colleagues to further advance opportunities for growing the natural climate solutions found in private working forests. ### The National Alliance of Forest Owners (NAFO) is a national advocacy organization committed to advancing federal policies that ensure our working forests provide clean air, clean water, wildlife habitat and jobs through sustainable practices and strong markets. NAFO member companies own and sustainably manage more than 46 million acres of private working forests – forests that are managed to provide a steady supply of timber. NAFO’s membership also includes state and national associations representing tens of millions of additional acres. Private working forests in the U.S. support 2.5 million jobs. Private working forests – which provide 90% of our timber harvest for wood and fiber – also account for 80% of our total net forest carbon sequestration and nearly half of our forest carbon storage. Learn more at nafoalliance.org.| @NAFO_Forests
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