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UK government announces major funding for two carbon capture sites in England, and container glass maker Encirc hosts Prime Minister, Chancellor, Energy Secretary at its Chester facility for the announcement; Encirc welcomes the investment in green energy

EPA proposes removal of all lead pipes in US within decade, costing US$20B-US$30B; EPA allocates US$2.6B for project, with another US$15B from 2021 Infrastructure Act, with remaining costs likely falling to utility companies

Altra Sanexen unveils PFAS removal process, $337B watermain renewal tech at WEFTEC 2024; innovations target water treatment efficiency, infrastructure transformation

Ameren Illinois Energy Efficiency Program partners with Decatur for tree-planting initiative; 100 volunteers plant 100 trees in underserved neighborhood to reduce energy costs

NJ SR113: Urges DEP to stop funding synthetic turf and prioritize investing in natural grass fields to enhance safety and environmental health.

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