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Klean Industries to attend Recovered Carbon Black Europe Conference in Amsterdam, Nov. 5-6, 2024; CEO Jesse Klinkhamer predicts demand for recovered carbon black to exceed supply

Altra Sanexen showcases expertise in industrial waste management at WEFTEC 2024; company highlights solutions for expanding U.S. pulp and paper industry's sludge production

Heidelberg Materials acquires minority stake in EnviCore, a clean-tech company; companies collaborate to develop supplementary cementitious materials from waste minerals, which can supplement traditional Portland mixes with 25% cement replacement

University of Alabama receives US$6M National Science Foundation grant to upcycle waste into greener construction materials; project involves biomass fermentation to extract calcium from coal ash and waste concrete for carbon capture, and 3D printing

Altra Sanexen showcases integrated sludge management services; company to address water challenges at WEFTEC 2024

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