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PepsiCo Inc. launches Agrovita program in Cunduacán, Tabasco; initiative plants 200 cacao trees, 50 maculis to support regenerative agriculture and local farmers

Kansas State researchers find organic farming may be solution to raise carbon absorption, lower amount of CO2 reaching the atmosphere; soil treated with manure or compost stores more carbon than soil treated with chemical fertilizers or no fertilizers

Nestle SA's Nescafé brand announces Plan 2030 focusing on regenerative agriculture; initiative aims to reshape coffee industry sustainability, support farmer prosperity

Danone leads discussions on food security at EFNI; think tank proposes planetary diet, regenerative agriculture to address US$35 billion daily hidden environmental, health costs

Ingredion Inc. promotes regenerative agriculture in supply chains; company participates in #TheFoodTech event, emphasizing co-creation of innovative food products

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