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Washington State University secures two-year $360,000 US Army Corps of Engineers grant to create durable housing materials from thermally-modified CLT and recycled carbon fiber; project to analyze materials, evaluate possibility of mass-producing panels

Guide for small landowners highlights how forests absorb, store carbon in various pools, including above, below ground biomass; sequestration rates vary across forest types, ages, can be measured through tree inventories, remote sensing tech such as LiDAR

Technical Textile reviews 2023's breakthroughs in smart textile innovations; list includes MIT's shape-changing FibeRobo, Washington State University's conductive cotton-like fiber for smart textiles, fabrics which respond to heat, electricity

Washington State University researchers develop polyaniline, a cotton-like fiber with electric conductivity of a polymer, with potential for smart textiles; researchers aim to integrate such fibers into apparel as sensor patches with flexible circuits

Washington State University-led researchers aim to develop inexpensive paper sensor to detect wildfire smoke exposure; they will initially test wildland firefighters, but hope the technology can someday enable the public to assess personal exposure levels

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