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Asian battery makers racing to develop 'superfast charging' cells for EVs that will make refueling as fast as filling up with gas; China's CATL, Gotion High-tech are unveiling batteries in 2024 that can be charged from 10% to 80% in under 10 minutes

GlobalData: Humanoid robots could solve labor shortages, and deployment will likely start in China, South Korea, Japan; they're being trialed in active work environments by Tesla, Amazon and BYD ahead of commercial deployment at scale later in the decade

Climate tech start-up GALY raises US$33M in oversubscribed Series B financing; funds will fuel expansion of R&D on its cellular agriculture platform and GALY Cotton, which uses 99% less water, 97% less land, emits 77% less CO2 than traditional cotton

Human in Motion Robotics receives approval to market XoMotion exoskeleton in Canada; device aids patients with spinal cord injuries, stroke in rehabilitation

University student's paper electronics invention, PAPE, named national winner of 2024 James Dyson Awards; invention hinges on crafting dissolvable, recyclable PCB board out of compressed paper pulp to avoid e-waste from items like routers, smoke detectors

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