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Canton, North Carolina, town tax collector warns town board not to count on any income from owner of Canton's now-shuttered paper mill, Pactiv Evergreen; preliminary figures indicate town will lose about US$1M from Evergreen's business property tax alone

Pactiv Evergreen seeks refund for local property taxes it paid on equipment last year at now-shuttered Canton paper mill; if approved, town and county would each have to refund about US$1.2M, and company has also appealed mill's property tax valuation

Messaging from Pactiv-Evergreen implies it aims to sell the shuttered Canton paper mill, providing town with hope that new ownership could one day restart operations; company stands to gain significant tax, resource, liability benefits by selling property

Leading North Carolina attorney general candidates promise to hold Pactiv Evergreen accountable for violating US$12M grant agreement when it closed Canton paper mill; grant required Pactiv to maintain 800 full-time jobs at mill through Dec. 31, 2024

North Carolina Collaboratory, state environmental agency to partner on research project to examine contamination levels around Pactiv's now-shuttered Canton paper mill; testing will look for wide range of compounds, such as PFAS, black liquor components

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