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USDA partners with Idaho to award $5.5 million for 27 projects through the Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program to help build resilience across the middle of the supply chain, strengthen local and regional food systems

Red Sea conflict, marked by frequent Houthi rebel attacks, poses serious threat to global shipping, international trade; Cyprus Shipping Chamber calls for stronger international cooperation, protective measures to safeguard seafarers, secure supply chains

USDA partners with Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands to offer $1.5 million in competitive funding for projects designed to build resilience across the middle of the supply chain

INDEVCO Commodity Supply Chain Conference begins in Limassol, Cyprus, October 22-24, 2024; event focuses on sustainability, global trade, and strategic partnerships

Avery Dennison showcases beauty supply chain solutions at Cosmetic 360; company releases research on in-store digitalization impact on grocery retail consumer behavior

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