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South Carolina Ports reports 8% volume increase in September; Leatherman Terminal reopens, handling eight ships including weekly ZIM service from Asia

Port authorities of Montreal, Quebec City and Trois-Rivieres expand cooperation agreement to strengthen St. Lawrence corridor; ports of Saguenay, Sept-Iles join to create extended marine corridor and increase performance, resilience and efficiency

Biden-Harris Administration announces US$4.2B for national infrastructure projects; funding from USDOT's INFRA and Mega grant programs to support 44 projects improving safety, mobility, economic competitiveness

UK advances green shipping initiative with €$11.7M fund for zero-emission vessel corridors including to Norway and Denmark; Port of Tyne project expected to cut 850,000 tons of CO2 annually on route to the Netherlands

Family-owned company 4 Gen Logistics unveils 30 hyper-fast chargers at California's Port of Long Beach; company aims to have fully zero-emission fleet by 2025 to position itself as the only North American company operating over 75 zero-emission trucks

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