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Drax contributed C$1B to Canadian economy, supported over 3,000 jobs in 2023, MNP reports; analysis highlights impact of Drax's wood pellet operations in British Columbia and Alberta, notes company sources 75% of goods, services from respective provinces

Drax Group's biomass power station allegedly emits four times more carbon than older coal plants; report criticizes subsidies for biomass as costly environmental mistake: Dogwood Alliance

Drax Group reports exceeding toxic pollutant limits at Louisiana wood pellet facilities; British energy company reveals emissions above permitted levels

Georgia Public Service Commission is set to vote on Georgia Power's proposal to burn wood pellets, biomass, other organic materials to generate energy; critics have raised concerns about unclean, inefficient power, high costs being passed on to customers

Study reveals potential health risks from Drax wood pellet plant; researchers call for enhanced environmental regulations: Dogwood Alliance

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