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Share of US mortgage loans in forbearance increased to 0.34% as of Sep. 30; share of Ginnie Mae loans in forbearance rose to 0.76%, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans in forbearance were unchanged at 0.13%: Mortgage Bankers Assn.

Down payments decline from record high in Q3 2024; average reaches 14.5% with median of US$30,300, down from Q2 2024 peak of 14.9% and US$32,700: Realtor.com

Mortgage lenders support simplifying closing-cost descriptions; 81% agree standardization would benefit industry, increase transparency for borrowers

DC B25-0972: Extends reverse mortgage program to cover condo and homeowner fees, allowing increased assistance

National Association of Realtors promotes real estate investment education, fair housing rights; organization releases podcast on market trends, adaptive reuse, short-term rentals, interest rates' impact on mortgages

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