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Canadian investors acquire US$12.3B in foreign securities, mainly US shares; foreign investors acquire US$10.0B in Canadian securities, resulting in US$2.4B net outflow from Canadian economy in August

Canadian investors acquire US$12.3B in foreign securities, mainly US shares; foreign investors purchase US$10.0B of Canadian securities, primarily bonds, in August 2024

Euro area international trade in goods recorded a surplus of €4.6B in August compared with €4.8B in August 2023; exports decreased 2.4% to €216.7B year-over-year, imports down 2.3% to €212.1B: Eurostat

UK trade deficit widened by £3.0B to £10.0B in quarter to August; value of goods exports rose 10.2% in August with rise in exports to EU and non-EU countries, value of goods imports declined 0.2% with EU imports falling and non-EU imports rising: ONS

US trade deficit falls to $70.4 billion in August; BEA releases international services data through 2022

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