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White River National Forest acquires 19.3-acre Panama-Principal Lodes parcel in Colorado's Collegiate Peaks Wilderness from The Wilderness Land Trust; deal provides access to area's Green Mountain Trail, ensuring maintenance without crossing private land

Arizona Senators introduce bill to transfer 3,060 acres of US Forest Service land to Tonto Apache Tribe near Payson, Arizona, increasing tribe's land base by about 50%; transfer receives support from Tonto National Forest, USDA and local governments

American Forests offers US$12M in grants for Tree Equity initiative; organization's ambassador Jerome named TIME 2024 Next Generation Leader for environmental justice work

US Dept. of Agriculture announces effort to enhance wildlife habitat connectivity on US lands, combining resources from Forest Service, NRCS and other agencies; since 2021, USDA has enrolled 3.8 million acres through Grassland Conservation Reserve Program

Oregon Wild urges US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management to protect old-growth forests on public lands; campaign has mobilized over a million people, with citizens submitting over 530,000 public comments calling for permanent forest protections

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