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Global Cold Chain Alliance says that new wastewater regulations proposed by the EPA could lead to price hikes in meat, poultry, egg products; regulations would require processing facilities to significantly reduce pollutants in their wastewater

MIT researchers urge EPA to include concrete's life cycle benefits in Low Carbon Label program; experts call for shift from production-only standard to comprehensive lifecycle assessment

Meatpacking plants mostly pollute low-income, communities of color, EPA data shows, with more than 40% of the population living within one mile of a Midwest meatpacking plant having an income less than two times the poverty level

EPA directs ExxonMobil to investigate seepage at Crane, Linden, in Guyana; agency defends ongoing collaborative investigation process and sample testing for environmental complaints

Center for Food Safety comments on EPA plan to reapprove several neonicotinoid pesticides; study shows neonicotinoids to be toxic to mammalian brain during early life development, according to Natural Resources Defense Council senior scientist

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