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USDA partners with Idaho to award $5.5 million for 27 projects through the Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program to help build resilience across the middle of the supply chain, strengthen local and regional food systems

USDA partners with Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands to offer $1.5 million in competitive funding for projects designed to build resilience across the middle of the supply chain

Arizona Senators introduce bill to transfer 3,060 acres of US Forest Service land to Tonto Apache Tribe near Payson, Arizona, increasing tribe's land base by about 50%; transfer receives support from Tonto National Forest, USDA and local governments

Meat Institute President and CEO Julie Anna Potts responds to USDA requests for information on possible new rules under Packers and Stockyards Act on price discovery in cattle markets saying agency continues to over-regulate beef and cattle market

Global pork production forecast to decrease 8% in 2025; US weekly pork production down to 548.7 million pounds for week ending Oct. 12 from 550.7 million pounds a year ago, as hog slaughter also down by 23,584 heads from a year ago, according to USDA

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