A comprehensive view of occupational safety and health administration (osha). This page highlights a small sample of our full coverage.
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OSHA to hold online meeting on railroad industry whistleblower protections, safety concerns; event scheduled for Oct. 29, 2024, with registration deadline of Oct. 22

OSHA Assistant Secretary Doug Parker discusses agency initiatives on podcast; OSHA promotes workplace safety resources with Halloween-themed message

OSHA highlights meat processing injury rates, tire manufacturer violations, hearing protection importance; agency reports meat workers face twice industry average injury rate, emphasizes need for improved safety measures across sectors

US Labor Department cites Huntsville Granite and Marble for safety violations; OSHA proposes US$29,035 in penalties after worker struck by stone slab weighing thousands of lbs. at Huntsville, Alabama, job site

OSHA releases expanded guidance for animal slaughtering and processing industry inspections; inspections to focus on sanitation, ergonomics, hazardous energy, machine guarding

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