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Eli Lilly & Co. highlights NCDs' impact, calls for improved healthcare access; company hosts diversity conference addressing non-apparent disabilities, caregiver support, clinical trial inclusivity

Environmental Protection Agency finalizes cancellation of pesticide DCPA; agency cites thyroid toxicity risks to unborn babies and potential for irreversible harm

Brazil’s National Health Surveillance Agency presents new images that will be inserted into packaging of tobacco products; agency says health warnings on packaging of smoking products need to be updated regularly in order to maintain their effectiveness

AstraZeneca AB emphasizes ethical integrity, patient-centric care in oncology; company celebrates 'Ethics Week', showcases personalized care impact on breast cancer outcomes

Sales of baby food pouches have increased 900% since 2010, overtaking jarred purees; doctors, nutritionists say an overreliance on pouches can interfere with nutrition and development, and marketing practices can leave parents confused about ingredients

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