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India-based Homefoil, part of LSKB Aluminium Foils, launches ad film starring Bollywood icon Kareena Kapoor; campaign highlights Homefoil's dual benefit of being paper foil and aluminum foil in one single product

Owens & Minor reports Q2 2024 revenue of $2.7 billion, net loss of $32 million; adjusted EBITDA up 12% to $127 million, debt reduced by $71 million, plans Rotech acquisition

University of Colorado researchers develop DIY machine that spins dissolvable textile 'biofibers' made of materials like sustainably sourced gelatin for dissolvable textiles; designers, consumers can dissolve textiles, recycle gelatin to make more fibers

FDA approves BD's HPV testing using self-collected vaginal specimens; allows women to self-collect samples in non-traditional healthcare settings

FDA approves Roche's HPV self-collection solution; 13,000 US patients are diagnosed with cervical cancer annually, more than half of all US cervical cancer patients are underscreened

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