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Garden City, Utah's Bear Lake faces threats from invasive Eurasian watermilfoil, which grows nearly twice as fast in its waters, resists herbicides; 20% population growth over last decade raises concerns about impact on water quality, habitat conservation

Pearson's Skills Map U.S. predicts 1.9 million new jobs through 2028; report emphasizes technology expertise will be in high demand across all sectors as automation, AI, and aging population reshape job market

Minority homeownership rates vary widely across US congressional districts; Maryland's 5th District leads with 80% Black homeownership, while California's 34th District has lowest at 5%

GlobalData raises India's growth forecast to 7.0% in 2024 and 6.6% in 2025, citing strong domestic demand, rural consumption and growing working-age population; infrastructure investments are enhancing productivity in manufacturing and services sectors

Bank of America suggests gold as safer investment than Treasury bonds amid US$35T national debt; other nations are in a similar situation, as climate change, aging populations, rising defense costs are forcing governments everywhere to borrow more money

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