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Many cost-conscious consumers are currently more inclined to purchase multipacks than individual items, so brands are responding with different e-commerce packaging formats; recent E-PACK conference highlights efforts from Mars Wrigley, Nestle, Clorox

Nestle SA's Nescafé brand announces Plan 2030 focusing on regenerative agriculture; initiative aims to reshape coffee industry sustainability, support farmer prosperity

Nestlé SA advances sustainability with Plan NESCAFÉ, waste segregation in Pakistan; company aligns with WBCSD through ACCIÓN EMPRESAS in Chile for transparent ESG practices

KITKAT is launching limited edition packaging made from 100% recycled plastic that’s certified by ISCC mass balance method, says it is first chocolate brand in Brazil to do so; new regulation allows use of PCR materials in direct contact with food

Nestlé reports 2.0% organic growth in first nine months of 2024; Company updates full-year outlook, expecting organic sales growth around 2% and underlying trading operating profit margin around 17.0%

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