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Coca-Cola launches Maaza Experience Zones in Indian cities; company ranks 29th overall, 3rd in beverage sector on Mexico's Merco reputation list

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners launches 'She Leads' women's leadership program; company introduces Fuze Tea in Spain, marking 30 years since Coca-Cola pioneered ready-to-drink tea category in country

Data from Coca-Cola Europacific Partners show that 87% of all Coca-Cola customers in Spain opt for glass containers; also, 80% of consumers prefer the glass container when they go to eat at a restaurant, a trend that moved to hoteliers

The Coca Cola Gets Patent for Syringe Cartridge Assembly for a Beverage Dispensing System

Coca-Cola Co. launches #CircularSeas initiative in 15 Caribbean countries; company hosts #AllHeartsOneBeat meeting in Mexico and leads discussion on cookieless digital advertising at #Inspirational24

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