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Anheuser-Busch InBev NV Bolsters Global Team with Strategic Hires to Drive Sales and Digital Transformation

AB InBev supports 2,500 German festivals; company optimizes logistics, enhances sustainability efforts in beverage industry

Citi expects China's consumer staples sector to benefit first from nation's plans to boost consumption; analyst highlights dairy, beer, condiments and beauty care sectors, with top company picks Mengniu Dairy, China Res Beer, Bud APAC and Giant Biogene

Anheuser-Busch invests $16M to bring increased capabilities and capacity to Los Angeles brewery, including expansion of packaging capabilities for the company's "beyond beer" brands like Cutwater and NUTRL, increased production capacity for 25-ounce cans

AB InBev launches global Supply Chain and Commercial Management traineeships; programs aim to develop industry leaders in key European markets

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