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Volvo Group reports Q3 2024 net sales of SEK 117.0 billion, down 7% adjusted for currency; adjusted operating income falls to SEK 14.1 billion with 12.0% margin amid normalizing demand

Volvo Group to release Q3 2024 report on October 18; Press conference scheduled for 9:00 a.m. CEST at Tändstickspalatset in Stockholm

Joachim Rosenberg resigns as Volvo Group Executive Board member, EVP Strategic Initiatives, President of Volvo Energy; Rosenberg departs after 20 years with company, 13 on executive board

Frank Biermann awarded Volvo Environment Prize 2024; political scientist researches environmental governance, proposes UN reform to reach sustainability goals

cellcentric unveils sub-400kg NextGen hydrogen fuel cell system for heavy-duty trucks; company aims for scalable delivery by 2030 at IAA Transportation in Hannover

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