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Reeves Young grows fleet to 215 vehicles, mostly Ford, in past decade; company cites dependable Ford vehicles and Ford Pro FinSimple Commercial Line of Credit as key to expansion

US DOT proposes rule to simplify hazardous material transport regulations and save nearly US$100M; proposal simplifies hazard communication requirements for fuels transported in tanker trucks, reduces review times for rail car design improvements

Ford Pro outlines challenges, benefits of EV adoption for businesses, cities; Wanda Young discusses insights at MIT EmTech 2024

GMC Sierra EV Denali offers extended 390-mile range, max 460-mile range for 2025; model features 760 hp, 350kW fast charging, adaptive suspension

Nissan unveils Project Trailgater, combining off-road capability with outdoor tailgating; vehicle debuts at 2024 SEMA show in Las Vegas, Nov. 5-8

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