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Saia LTL Freight opens new terminal in Akron, Ohio, with two additional terminals to open Oct. 28 in Bowling Green and Paducah, Kentucky; company aims to reduce transit times, improve freight handling as part of nationwide expansion

Union Pacific to build Kansas City Intermodal Terminal in Missouri for enhanced Midwest access; KCIT, to open in mid-2025, will be railway's fourth new intermodal ramp, incorporates UP's PGT gating system to enhance efficiency by scanning driver equipment

American Trucking Associations releases 2024 Driver Compensation Study; ATA welcomes Dennis Dellinger as 80th chairman at Nashville conference

Ryder tests Revoy's EV conversion for Class 8 diesel trucks, which allows customers to pay per mile; pilot involves three trucks operating between Memphis, Tennessee, and Laredo, Texas, with swapping stations for hybrid operation in specific sections

Amazon to deploy AI-based Vision-Assisted Package Retrieval in 1,000 electric delivery vans by early 2025; company says tech saved over 30 minutes/route in trials, reducing time needed to organize packages in van from two to five mins. to roughly one min.

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