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US Patent Issued to BASF on Sept. 17 for "Laminate containing a metal and a polymer layer of a polyamide and an acrylate" (German Inventors)

ZSVR, Germany’s Central Agency Packaging Register, releases new minimum standard for recyclable packaging, including recognition of barrier films that contain EVOH, PE and PA, and recognition of adhesive-laminated PE/PA films

Toyobo Co Ltd Files Patent Application for Biaxially Stretched Polyamide Film Roll

BASF and cyclos-HTP Institute jointly study the recyclability PE/PA/EVOH high-barrier films and laminated PE/PA structures in flexible PE packaging; study is basis for recognition of barrier films as recyclable by Germany's ZSVR

UK flooring producer Burmatex launches Snowfall carpet tile collection, made with Universal Fibers' Thrive matter yarn, an eco-friendly dyed nylon; range includes 16 unique shades, each representing winter landscapes

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