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Panasonic introduces 2024 Steam Microwave Oven Bistro NE-UBS10C to simplify cooking and reduce food wastage; it is equipped with 'Omakase Grill' to allow users to cook frozen stock items, refrigerated and room-temperature ingredients

Nissan, Panasonic Automotive, and Panasonic Living Appliances partner to launch a voice push notification service for connected cars; service facilitates integration between vehicles and home appliances for a more comfortable lifestyle

Shinobi Therapeutics, Panasonic, and Kyoto University partner to develop a manufacturing platform to produce iPS-T cell therapies more efficiently and cost-effectively; goal is to aid accessibility of cell therapies globally

GlobalData: Green hydrogen tech drives investment surge, with US$2B projects approved in India and US$1.1B earmarked in Italy; key players Toshiba, Panasonic, Topsoe at forefront of electrochemical innovation methods, boosting green hydrogen production

Mitsubishi Chemical Group's DURABIO plant-derived bioengineering plastic product selected by Panasonic for Technics True Wireless Earbuds EAH-AZ80; DURABIO is an alternative plastic that supports lower consumption of fossil-based resources

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