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At least half of CMPC and Arauco's pulp to be produced outside Chile by the end of this decade as companies choose to invest in major new pulp mills in Brazil; local conditions in Chile do not favor investments in the forestry industry, executive says

CMPC's plans to invest US$4.5B in new pulp mill in Brazil show 'that in reality Chile is no longer competitive to invest in the sector,' says head of organization representing small forestry companies; industry players blame Chile's economy, crime, fires

CMPC submits several permit applications for its possible 2.5-million-ton/year Natureza pulp mill in Brazil; project involves CMPC investment of roughly US$4B, another US$420M in road infrastructure, US$150M for new port terminal, expansion in Rio Grande

CMPC may invest US$4.5B to build new pulp mill in Brazil, will begin studying project to produce up to 2.5 million tons of bleached short-fiber kraft pulp; if all permits, authorizations are obtained, CMPC board will decide on Natureza project in mid-2026

CMPC recognized as the most remembered and preferred Environmental Brand by the people of Rio Grande do Sul in the 26th edition of 'Marcas de Quem Decide'; this is fifth time CMPC has won in the Environmental Brand segment--now for third year in a row

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