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Belgium-based Graphius Group opts for ECO3 Adamas chemistry-free printing plates; company says plates will reduce waste generated by the liquids from plate preparation by no less than 50%

ECO3 introduces Eclipse Pro, a process-free offset plate suitable for commercial segment that offers wide print latitude, stable image contrast, scratch resistance

Denmark book manufacturer Norhaven installs Robotic Plate Loader from ECO3, a medium-sized loading arm that can handle different sheet formats with ease; company needed an option that could work with its six different plate formats

PIEREG partners with ECO3 for sustainable print production, adds Apogee workflow, including InkTune, PressTune for optimizing ink use, print consistency, Sublima screening technology, ECO3 Energy Elite Eco plates

New York-based Sterling Digital Print adopts ECO3's SPIR@L screening technology, which replaces traditional ink dot with more efficient shapes, such as spirals; technology improves print quality, saves on ink, doesn't require CTP, printing press upgrades

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