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Weyerhaeuser partners with the University of Arkansas' architecture school for new research fellows program to develop innovative, sustainable wood products for construction; program focuses on prototyping 3D-printed wood-composite house, CLT engineering

Study finds CLT production could boost undervalued hardwood market in North America, with hardwoods showing stronger bonding strength than softwoods: hybrid combinations are 5% weaker than mixed hardwoods: Michigan Technological University

US Dept. of Defense's awards two SMART Scholar researchers for their investigation into cross-laminated timber's ballistic resilience properties; researchers are recognized for directly contributing to widespread CLT use in Dept. of Defense

US Air Force to invest US$117M to advance two pilot projects that will explore potential benefits of non-traditional design, construction practices, materials; projects include using mass timber in US$40M child care center at Mountain Home AFB, Idaho

CBS News spotlights rising popularity of mass timber, interviews Timberlab president, highlights company's sustainable approach in Portland, Oregon's new airport project; segment also includes environmentalists' criticisms of CLT greenwashing

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