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Former SodaStream CEO Daniel Birnbaum, company employee Ayala Cohen indicted in Tel Aviv District Court on charges of insider trading; Cohen allegedly bought company's stock using information provided to her by Birnbaum on two different occasions

Canadian Centre for Cyber Security releases ransomware playbook to help organizations prepare for, respond to ransomware attacks; playbook highlights cybersecurity controls, such as perimeter defenses, logging and alerting, penetration testing, more

US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sues Wisconsin-based McDonald’s franchisee Pensec for allegedly rejecting Black applicants; corporation operates nine restaurants in Milwaukee

US Dept. of Justice files civil lawsuit against Werner Enterprises founder Clarence Werner for alleged violations of antitrust pre-transaction notification requirements; Werner has agreed to pay US$486,000 to resolve lawsuit

Airplane fighting forest fire on border of La Araucanía and Biobío in Chile is shot at, makes emergency landing; the plane provides services to forestry company Mininco and attack follows other incidents including shooting of a driver, burning of cabins

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