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Commentary: Baby boomer retirements are a powerful force likely to keep wage and price increases higher than normal over next few years; industries with large shares of older workers include manufacturing, transportation, warehousing and health care

UBS expects transfers of wealth totaling US$84T from baby boomers to younger generations will benefit women over coming decades; McKinsey predicts that by 2030, women will control most of US$30T in wealth held by boomer generation

Study finds 65% of Generation Z dispose of wearable clothing monthly; only 36% of Gen X and 25% of Baby Boomers do the same

Citi: Economic impact of aging population could be maximized by adopting policies that support healthy aging and reform labor markets, such as encouraging older workers to remain in the workforce for longer by providing more flexible employment contracts

UBS expects over US$83T of wealth to be inherited within next three decades, with about 20% of world's assets held by people over age of 75; wealth mobility will increase, meaning more people will escape poverty and move up to higher wealth brackets

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