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O-I Glass’ Glass4Good program--which helps the company recover more cullet for its operations--also helps communities more easily and cheaply deal with spent glass, get some of it back for their own businesses, and receive donations for local charities

Klabin’s paper dispersible bag for concrete wins WorldStar Global Packaging Awards in Sustainability category; the packaging can be integrated into the mixing process when preparing concrete, which reduces waste disposal at construction sites

Downtown Kalamazoo, Michigan, installs 25 Bigbelly smart bins which use Clean management software to handle recycling, trash waste streams at single location, alert collectors when reaching capacity; system diverts 50% of all collected waste to recycling

New York-based Delos Capital, Connecticut-based Silverfern acquire Pioneer Recycling Services, based in Tacoma, Washington; target provides environmental services, solutions for commercial, industrial, municipal, residential customers in Pacific Northwest

Probiotic line Gallinee launches anti-waste program in UK that gives shoppers opportunity to buy hair-, skin-care products closer to their expiration date at 70% discount; program comes amid rising scrutiny of waste related to unsold and expiring products

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