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US Senators urge President Biden to block Nippon Steel's acquisition of U.S. Steel; senators cite authority under the Defense Production Act and the International Emergency Economic Powers Act

UnitedHealth's Change Healthcare cyberattack began due to a server missing multifactor authentication says CEO in Senate hearing; the ransomware attack disrupted the healthcare system nationwide, requiring a US$22.0M ransom for data release

US Senate introduces Mass Timber Federal Buildings Act, creating two-tiered contracting preference for use of CLT in federal or military construction projects; first-tier uses CLT sourced in US, second-tier sources from restoration, fire mitigation sites

US Senate introduces Forest Biomass Emissions Act, which aims to assess environmental, public health impact of forest biomass combustion for electricity; wood pellet mills have been expanding especially in low-income, majority-Black Southern communities

US senators from Idaho and Oregon introduce Mass Timber Federal Buildings Act to boost CLT industry by prioritizing its use in federal and military construction projects; bipartisan bill also encourages domestic production and sustainable sourcing of CLT

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