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Capri-Sun Group is looking at 'alternatives' to paper straws, mulling a potential return to plastic in Switzerland; company is considering PP straws, which would be paired with its recently introduced monomaterial PP pouches to allow for easier recycling

NH HB1207: Limits single-use disposable plastic foodware accessories

Commentary: Few restaurants comply with 5-year-old 'Skip the Straw' law in Ulster County, New York, due to lack of public education and enforcement efforts; food servers tend to hand out straws, disposable plasticware with no idea of the law's existence

Packaging Dive highlights braille packaging for new blind Barbie, Berry Global's new PP pint for Blue Bunny Twist Cones, Meadow's Daisy Top refillable metal packaging for cosmetics and personal care, and Gaia Biomaterials' compostable material for straws

New Oceana Canada-commissioned poll reveals that 82% of Canadians support the ban on single-use plastics, including checkout bags, six-pack rings, straws, takeout containers, cutlery; also, 82% are concerned about the human health impacts of plastics

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