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Solidus to showcase Futurline range of fiber-based packaging at Seafood Expo North America and CFIA Rennes, including MAP, skin packaging and punnets; solutions are recyclable, use over 90% of recycled material, reduce carbon footprint versus plastic

Solidus offers solid board punnets and trays for soft fruits that are 100% recyclable and made from fibers of recycled paper, paperboard; company says paper-based packaging is being used more often to replace plastic packaging for soft fruit

Solidus adapts to sustainable, circular changes in packaging trends; its Solidus Futurline range includes modified atmosphere packaging, skin packaging, punnets made out of fiber-based materials that are recyclable and use over 90% of recycled material

Two Sides webinar focused on sustainability of paper packaging to take place Feb. 15; speakers will come from NOA, FEFCO, HP, Stora Enso, Solidus, Burgopak, Pernod Ricard and Ikea

Paper packaging group Solidus introduces ECO3’s SPIR@L and SolidTune technologies at its plant in Hoogstraten, Belgium, in spring of 2022; the technologies reduce ink consumption in offset printing by up to 12% compared to traditional methods

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