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Sabert introduces new PP 5x7 Rectangle Hinged Leftover Container; solution features a secure locking lid, ribbed design for strength and leak-resistant seal, can go straight from refrigerator to microwave with no need to replate food

Sabert launches Pulp Ultra line of coated molded fiber containers engineered to provide resistance against moisture, oil, grease; containers are commercially compostable, microwavable, ovenable, safe in refrigerators and freezers for up to 30 days

Sabert launches new line of Pulp Protein and Produce Trays; the certified commercially compostable packaging solution provides foodservice operators with a sustainable alternative to traditional foam trays without compromising on quality, performance

Sabert to participate in Seafood Global Expo, taking place April 23-25 in Spain; company to spotlight its Tray2Go paper tray for sushi presentation and delivery, which features a robust double-wall and secure fitting click-lock lid

Sabert launches new recyclable Earthtel r-PRO line of round bowls, containers made with a PP blend containing 25% PCR; line features C-vents and channels on the lid for proper ventilation and secure stacking, is microwavable and heat lamp safe

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