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ORBIS’ headquarters in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, rank 6th in Top Workplaces in Southeastern Wisconsin by Milwaukee Journal Sentinel for 11th consecutive year; recognition based on employee survey feedback from almost 160 organizations

ORBIS’ new ORBIShield ECO dunnage product line uses recovered and reprocessed plastic resins and can be recycled at end of life; line includes ECOLux coated fabric crafted from PP, Evolon Laminate made with 70% PCR material, EPE expanded PE foam

ORBIS enters into lease-to-own agreement for manufacturing space in Greenville, Texas, with EPM Partners; agreement includes 420,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing space that will be used to produce reusable pallets, totes and bulk containers

ORBIS launches 40x48 Odyssey 3-runner plastic pallet, which includes built-in reinforcement as well as flow-through design for easy cleanability; pallet can withstand deflection requirements of most automated systems and resists impact from equipment

US Patent Issued to ORBIS on Feb. 27 for "Method of forming a transportation system with an over-molded friction element" (Wisconsin Inventor)

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