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Wales-based startup PlantSea is first company to receive OPRL ‘Recycle’ label for its seaweed-based packaging; the packaging has been tested under the CEPI v2 protocol and shown to be suitable for recycling through a standard paper mill

OPRL appoints Jude Allan as interim managing director to cover Dr. Margaret Bates’ secondment to Defra, where she will serve as head for UK EPR for Packaging Scheme Administrator; Allan is a trustee at IoM3, where she is chair of the Packaging Group

In a six-week behavior trial that involved compostable packaging marked with newly developed labels by Hubbub, with input from OPRL, Compostable Coalition UK reports five-fold increase in consumers disposing of compostable packaging in the food waste bin

Margaret Bates, Paul Vanston and Jude Allan among headline names who will be judging the Environmental Packaging Awards; Bates is managing director of On Pack Recycling Label scheme, Vanston is CEO of INCPEN, Allan is chair of IOM3 Packaging Society

UK’s Defra announces appointment of Dr. Margaret Bates as head of the UK Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging Scheme Administrator; Bates is managing director of OPRL, will take up the role on secondment for up to two years

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