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National University of Singapore researchers develop novel technique to transform waste CO2 into high-value chemicals; process reduces the cost of CO2 conversion by up to 30%, researchers say

Charles River partners with Singapore's Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine to develop and manufacture plasmid DNA for engineered stem cell cancer therapy; partnership to use Charles River's CDMO expertise in HQ and GMP-compliant plasmid DNA

Scientists develop a protein-mimic that can self-assemble into pores, selectively transport water across membranes; dubbed 'oligourea foldamers,' they could improve energy-efficiency of current methods of industrial water purification

Researchers develop smart textiles that are recyclable, strong, stretchable, conductive; textiles inspired by spider silk spinning, which consume less energy, fewer chemicals, hold potential for medical therapeutics, sensing, communication, gaming

Tech vs. Trees: Swedish real estate company plans to build world’s largest wooden city, TikTok’s new publishing company could bolster its already massive influence on books, wooden robotic gripper aims to maintain tender touch in hot temperatures

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