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Ence's renewable energy subsidiary, Magnon Green Energy, renews collaboration framework with town of San Juan del Puerto to donate €100,000 in aid annually for community betterment projects

Spain selects Ence's renewable energy subsidiary Magnon Green Energy for valorization of forest remains in mountains of Ciudad Real province, where Magnon has two biomass energy plants; work will also help prevent forest fires, protect ecosystem

Ence's Magnon Green Energy obtains ISO 14001 environmental management system certification from Spanish Assn. for Standardization and Certification (AENOR); Magnon is the national leader in biomass energy production

Ence creates new subsidiary, Magnon Servicios Energético, specialized in sale of renewable industrial heat from agroforestry biomass to contribute to decarbonization of Spanish industry; company advises, designs, builds, finances renewable biomass plants

Ence's Magnon Green Energy makes first sale of Guarantees of Origin with hourly certification; system allows consumers to guarantee that the energy consumed each hour comes from renewable sources--in this case, renewable biomass

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