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ESG Today Week in Review: KPMG survey finds CEOs expect ‘significant returns’ on sustainability investments; former Shell CEO joins private equity firm KKR to advise on climate investing; 95% of Apple suppliers commit to using only renewable energy

2024 KPMG US CEO Outlook Pulse Survey highlights challenges, opportunities in driving business growth with a lens into managing ‘compound volatility’; topics include US economy, AI, M&A activity, labor market and workplace initiatives, ESG initiatives

Moody's says Fed's first rate cut will happen in September instead of June due to March's consumer price index rising higher-than-expected 3.5%; KPMG also pushes forecast to September from June, says inflation in service sector is becoming more entrenched

KPMG: Most companies plan to spend more on ESG activities within next three years, but execution plans unclear; top hurdles include insufficient resources, collaboration or communication, divergent priorities, difficulty measuring ROI, budget constraints

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