A comprehensive view of Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM). This page highlights a small sample of our full coverage.
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ICVCM issues statement in response to BBC's investigation relating to methodologies for measuring carbon projects; group stresses that unlocking climate finance for indigenous peoples, local communities is a foundational reason for the council's existence

Why transparency is key to the Integrity Council’s work

Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market announces carbon crediting programs to get Core Carbon Principles label; potentially marking a turning point in climate action efforts, including companies such as Bain and Co and Microsoft.

ICVCM develops Core Carbon Principles as an international standard to guide government regulators wanting to set up carbon credits and voluntary markets; group aims to maximize potential of voluntary carbon markets and channel investment to Global South

American Carbon Registry receives Core Carbon Principles Eligible status from Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market; company to bolster its position in voluntary carbon market via CCP-Approved carbon credits label

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