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USDA study finds Houston's grocery inflation rose 7.8% in 2023 --the highest in the US-- followed by Boston at 7.0%, Philadelphia at 6.3%; grocery food inflation rose 5% in the US overall

Uber expands partnership with Costco for grocery delivery in several unspecified locations across the US, Canada, Mexico and Japan, with a promise of more to come; company also adds feature to allow caregivers to book rides and buys items on user's behalf

LA SB287: Establishes the Healthy Food Retail Act, promoting access to healthy food in underserved communities through incentives and grants.

CA SB1089: Bill protects grocery stores and pharmacies from closure due to vicinity restrictions.

Menu prices at both QSR and full-service restaurants rise in April, while grocery prices fall for the first time in months, according to the latest Consumer Price Index 

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