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Circular materials firm Cruz Foam partners with Unified2 Global Packaging Group to offer more sustainable protective packaging and custom cold chain solutions to its customers; Unified2 services include design, ISTA/Amazon APASS testing, manufacturing

Packaging firm Cruz Foam eyeing new products such as mailers to replace conventional plastic bubble wrap, biobased foam blocks for packing electronics and appliances; Cruz Foam is made from 70% food waste, is said to biodegrade 3,000 times faster than PS

Mondavi Sisters' Collection to ship wine club deliveries in 100% sustainable EcoVino packaging by Bay Cities, Cruz Foam; EcoVino’s foam is bioengineered using 70% upcycled food industry waste and recycled corrugate, offers insulated temperature control

BayCities and Cruz Foam join forces to create a premium wine shipping solution; official announcement to take place Nov. 30

Cruz Foam named to TIME magazine's list of Best Inventions for its Cruz Cool cold chain solution in the Reuse & Recycle category; Cruz Foam, which forms the inner insulation layer, is home-compostable, and the entire unit is Certified Curbside Recyclable

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