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Cathay Biotech and 3P Announce Strategic Joint Venture to Advance Bio-Based Polyamide Composites for New Energy and Transportation Sectors

Cathay Biotech and South Korea-based 3P.COM form joint venture for development of biobased polyamide thermoplastic composites in a move to increase sustainability in new energy, transportation and related sectors

Cathay Biotech forms strategic joint venture agreement with 3P. COM Co. in Shanghai, focusing on advancing the development of biobased polyamide thermoplastic composites for applications such as hydrogen storage and transportation

Cathay Biotech announces development of one-step biobased high-temperature polyamide preparation method, cutting polymerization time to less than 1% of the conventional process

Cathay Biotech Advances Sustainable Solutions with 3P.COM Co. Ltd in a Breakthrough Joint Venture for Bio-Based Polyamide Thermoplastics

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