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Executive Perspective: Plant-based milks shouldn't be considered alternatives anymore, with the product category achieving 50% household penetration in the US, says Califia Farms CEO Dave Ritterbush

GlobalData: US beverage companies increasingly shifting from PET to rPET bottles to lower carbon emissions, advance circular economy and meet consumer demand; brands like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Asahi and Califia Farms have already adopted 100% rPET bottles

Califia Farms announces launch of Organic Almond Creamers, available in three flavors: Vanilla, Lavender and Brown Sugar

Plant-based beverage brand Califia Farms transitions all bottles in US and Canada to 100% rPET; refreshed packaging includes QR codes linking to an rPET landing page as well as brand's sustainability reports

Califia Farms announced launch of Califia Farms Complete, a creamy plant milk that company says has nine essential nutrients, 8 grams of protein, all nine essential amino acids, and half the sugar of dairy milk

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