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Kroger, Albertsons, C&S Wholesale Grocers announce updated and expanded divestiture plan in connection with proposed merger; companies say new plan adds a well-capitalized competitor into new geographies, brings merger another step toward completion

Kroger, Albertsons and C&S Wholesale Grocers announce they are extending their merger timeline to August, say they remain in dialogue with FTC and individual state Attorneys General regarding proposed merger and divestiture plan

US lawmakers send letter to FTC opposing Kroger, Albertsons merger, saying planned divestiture of stores to C&S Wholesale Grocers does not do enough to calm negative impacts; group says divestiture strategies often fail to maintain competitive conditions

Piggly Wiggly could see growth in Texas following Kroger, Albertsons merger due to deal parent company C&S Wholesale Grocers signed to purchase over 400 Kroger and Albertsons stores, pending merger approval

FTC is reportedly not satisfied with Kroger, Albertsons' US$24.6B merger deal, despite divestiture of stores to C&S, per Axios; former FTC policy director says a deal with a closer competitor such as Ahold Delhaize would have made a stronger impression

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